An Update from Women on the Water

Apr 27, 2020 | Sailing

Over the last six weeks, there have been a number of online events organised by the NYC Women on the Water. Starting  with a Zoom Cocktail party which was enjoyed by over 16 members, all with a variety of cocktails and some interesting cactus shaped cocktail glasses!  Since then a number of social events have taken place using the “zoom” platform to keep members in touch and connected. Last Saturday saw a very successful, first in a series of “fun” quizzes which was truly great fun with lots of on and offshore questions! It was well supported, with women sailors from other waterfront clubs joining us. Saturday’s Quiz was opened up to other WoW as a warm up to the 2nd Irish Sailing Women At the Helm Regatta, being hosted by the NYC for the second year later this summer, August 29/30.


The social aspect has been moved successfully online while the clubhouse is inaccessible, due to Covid 19 restrictions. But we are using this time to educate ourselves with online tutoring on Monday evenings. Sean Donnelly and Adam Hyland have been hosting a series of very interesting Zoom workshops on Racing to Win, with focus on sail trim, tactics and strategy being covered each week for an hour. It has had great attendance by members  however we are looking forward to opening this up to Women on the Water from other clubs this week. 


Dara Totterdell and Ian Bowring held a Irish sailing racing Results webinar last Saturday morning which is a great initiative of which I am sure we will see more of.


We are really proud of Daniel Raymond who was awarded Team Racer of the month of March, who successfully Captained the winning team at this year’s Irish Inter-varsities held in Killaloe. Daniel has been a great coach and asset to the WoW development squad in the NYC over the last few years and is now leading the 1720 Class Virtual racing league. Also of great interest is the recent Atlantic Crossing with the Jubilee trust on the tall ship SV Tenacious, in which 8 transition year boys took part, including the NYC’s very own Sam Duncan, the boys left from Antigua in March and their original destination was changed from Athens to Cobh when the Covid-19 restrictions came into place.


Even in these strange times, the sense of community is very much alive both online and offline. With members helping and supporting each other. Finding new ways to socialise and have some fun in what can only be a stressful time for a lot of people.


Stay safe, Stay well, Stay connected.


The WoW team.

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