Interested in joining the National Yacht Club?
The National Yacht Club is currently accepting applications for membership. A number of different categories of membership are available, as detailed below.
Membership Category (Annual Subscription*)
Full Membership
Full (and Family) members have full use of the Club’s facilities and have priority in relation to applications for moorings, platform parking, the use of Club boats and booking of training courses.
Children of full members are designated as Junior Members until they reach the age of 16 years.
Family Membership
Includes a spouse and children up until age 20. Full (and Family) members have full use of the Club’s facilities and have priority in relation to applications for moorings, platform parking, the use of Club boats and booking of training courses. New Family members joining the Club may avail of a 50% reduction in the annual subscription for their first two years of membership. A child of a Family members may apply for Ensign membership for the calendar year following the year in which he or she reaches the age of 20.
Full Membership ( Aged 26 - 30)
(Aged 26 – 30)
Full Membership (Aged 30 - 32)
(Aged 30 – 32)
Associate (Spouse)
Available to applicants who are a spouse of a Full, Clubhouse or Ensign member.
Associate (Crew)
Available to applicants who have not previously been a member of the Club, for a maximum of three years. Applicants must be proposed by a Full or Family member with whom the applicant regularly crews.
Associate (Clubhouse)
Available to an applicant who is aged 55 or older and is not involved in sailing activities.
Associate (Country)
Available to an applicant living in Ireland whose primary residence is more than 100km from the Club. Use of the Club’s facilities is expected to be limited (not more than 21 visits to the Club annum.)
Associate (Overseas)
Available to an applicant whose primary residence is overseas. Use of the Club’s facilities is expected to be limited (not more than 21 visits to the Club annum.)
Associate (Reciprocal Club – Howth)
Available to an applicant who is a member of Howth Yacht Club.**
Associate (Temporary)
Available for one year only to an applicant who is a son or daughter of an existing Full or Family member aged 25 or older who has not previously been an Ensign or Crew member
Available to an applicant between the age of 20 and 25. On reaching age 26 an Ensign member is entitled to take up Full membership (Aged 26-30).
Available to an applicant between the age of 16 and 19. On reaching age 20 an Ensign member is entitled to take up Ensign membership.
If you would like to discuss applying to join the Club please complete the form below and we will be in touch.
In addition to annual subscription, Catering vouchers and Irish Sailing Levy are payable by certain categories of members.