NYC Quiz Nights Return!!!

Aug 26, 2022 | Club house

The National Yacht Club winter table-quiz will be kicking off again in October. This is a really enjoyable feature of the club during the winter months taking place over 10 Wednesdays from October through to April. Teams can consist of up to 6 persons per team, and all members are encouraged to get a team together to join us. We want to see new teams and new faces this year! We have a new quizmaster – Michael Hennigan – taking over from our long stalwart Ian Meldon who stepped down last April after over 10 years in the hotseat. Michael promises us that the questions will be general, not too difficult, with questions to suit all ages, backgrounds, and tastes.

The dates for this year’s quizzes are


26 October
9 November
23 November
7 December (Dinner & Quiz)


11 January
25 January
8 February
22 February
8 March
22 March
5 April (Dinner & Quiz)

Each evening, there is a food platter provided to each table, and the quiz winners receive a handsome prize! The cost to each table is €10. At the end of the series, there is a trophy awarded to the overall winners of the winter table-quiz league, with the six best scores over the winter counting.

So put the dates in your diary, and start studying. See you all in October! “

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