Login Instructions
The instructions below will help members of The National Yacht Club sign into the exclusive members-only dashboard area.
There are a variety of features and resources available here, including upcoming events, club galleries, AGM notes, the ability to book boats and classes, and dinner reservations.
Please follow the three-step process outlined below to gain access to your account:
1. Hover your cursor over “Member Login” and click.
2. Enter your username and password. This is your full name. Use of any special characters should be avoided. For instance, John Smith would use the username “johnsmith.” You can also use your email address if you have provided it to the club.
3. Your password is your one-of-a-kind club number, which can be found at the bottom of your membership card.
If you are having problems with your login credentials, please contact admin@nyc.ie, and a member of our staff will get back to you as soon as possible to help you access the members-only dashboard area.