The NYC has an exciting Topper Winter 2019 Training Programme starting on Sunday 20th October and running for 6 Sundays with a break on the Bank Holiday weekend:
Dates are as follows:
20th October
3rd November
10th November
17th November
24th November
1st December
We will have 2 groups of sailors:
- those who are newer to the Topper boat and sailing in general, who will do 12:30 to 16:30
- those who are more advanced and have competed in Topper events, focused more on racing skills, who will do 09:30 to 16:30
Cost: €120 for newer sailors and €200 for racing group
Max numbers: 5 newer sailors and 8 racing sailors
Criteria required to do winter coaching – Must have done ISA level 3
The racing program is designed for sailors who, at minimum, have competed in local racing series (such as the September Series) or regional events (in any boat) and intend to participate in the national Topper circuit in 2020.
Sailors who are graduating from Optimist where they competed in regional and national events will quickly adjust to the Topper and are welcome to join the Topper program.
The newer sailors programme is designed for sailors who have learned the basics of sailing and who may want to participate in some racing in 2020, but at least want to improve their competence in sailing.
While sailors may already have a Topper available to them, there are some available to charter from the NYC – charter boats have an additional charge of €100 and can also be booked when booking the coaching.
All boats will launch from the NYC.
Parents will be expected to help out on shore by doing Beachmaster on a rota basis.
09.30 Sailors rigged and ready for briefing
10:00 Launch
12:30 Ashore and lunch for racing group, arrival and rigging for newer sailors
13:30 Briefing for both groups
14:00 Launch
16:00 Ashore and debrief
16:30 Finish
Further details are available by contacting:
Gráinne O’Carroll at or via
Register Below: