Summer courses/clinics: registration are now open for Course 5

Jul 12, 2021 | Junior Sailing

Registrations are now open for Family, Full or Cadets members. It may be extended to other categories of members if there are places available afterwards. 

If a sailor has taken part in a clinic in June their will be a 10% reduction in cost of the Clinic.

Please read pre-requesites at the end of this document, prior to registering your child into a clinic.

We will have a waiting list system, so if you don’t get into your desired clinic, please make sure to put your name on the waiting list.

August Course 5 will be a 4 day clinic due to the Laser 4.7 Worlds that are being hosted in Dun Laoghaire from 7th-14th August

Dates – Tuesday 3rd August until Friday 6th August


Clinic 1: Optimist Start Sailing/Basic Skills
Time 10-13:00
Max number 6
Cost – €120

Clinic 2: Optimist Improving Skills
Time 10-13:00
Max Number 6
Cost – €120

Clinic 3: Optimist Racing
Time 14:00 – 17:00
Max Number 6
Cost – €120

Clinic 4: Toppers Improving Skills
Time 10:00 – 13:00
Max Number 6
Cost – €120

Clinic 5: Toppers Racing
Time 14:00 – 17:00
Max Number 6
Cost €120

Clinic 6: Feva Clinic
Time 14:00 – 17:00
Max Number 8
Cost €120

Clinic 7: J80 Clinic
This clinic is for the older teenager to learn how to sail a keelboat and enjoy sailing in Dublin Bay. Take a break from Feva or laser sailing and try out our club J80s. You will have an advanced senior Instructor on board with you showing you everything.
Time 10:00 – 13:00
Max number 5
Cost €120

Clinic 8: J80 Clinic
This clinic is for the older teenager to learn how to sail a keelboat and enjoy sailing in Dublin Bay. Take a break from Feva or laser sailing and try out our club J80s. You will have an advanced senior Instructor on board with you showing you everything.
Time 14:00 – 17:00
Max number 5
Cost €120

Pre-requisites for entering one of the above courses

  • The sailor must be mature enough to understand the concept and importance of social distancing (Minimum age for the above courses with the exception of the nippers courses, is 9 years old at the time of the course).
  • There will be no changing/shower facilities and sailors must be changed into sailing gear with sunscreen applied prior to arriving into the club.
  • Sailors will enter via the side gate and must check-in each day with their instructor in order to facilitate contact tracing.
  • Face coverings are recommended while on the platform
  • The sailors shall remain with their allocated group (‘Pod’) for the period of the session.
  • Briefings will take place on the platform outside with the Instructor while maintaining the mandatory 2m social distancing in their own zone
  • Every sailor must bring their own water bottles filled and carry their own water bottles at all times both on and off the water. 
  • Snack bags must be only carried by individual sailors and not given to instructors.

Communication with Parents

  • Communication will be maintained with Parents via Email/WhatsApp Groups.
  • If parents have any questions for instructors about their sailor’s progress or have any concerns this should be co-ordinated through SI by email
  • There will be no access to club changing rooms for any sailors. 
  • Toilets are available


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