Another way to get involved with Club hosted events! Become a Regional Judge…
Racing Rules of Sailing Guru Gordon Davies is running a Regional Judge Course over 3 consecutive Wednesday evenings, starting 1st March in the Royal Irish Yacht Club.
Times: 1830 – 2030hrs each evening
Candidates should have :
– a reasonable knowledge of the rules of Part 2, When Boats Meet;
– have some experience of protest hearings either as a PC member or as a party to the hearings.
Following the course will require some reading before the course and between sessions.
In order to obtain Irish Sailing qualification as a Regional Judge, after the course candidates will be required to:
– pass a written test evaluating their ability to write up protest decisions;
– sit on the protest committee of at least 6 events (including DBSC protest panels) and obtain a favourable reference from a senior judge.
If interested, to attend, please contact Gordon Davies ( – please cc with your contact details and ‘experience’ (see above) – If approved to attend, there will be a small charge of âŹ20 payable here: