NYC Cruising Group

Dec 21, 2023 | Home Page Featured, Sailing

Dear member,

The reinvigoration of the NYC cruising club got off to an excellent start last month with the speaking supper addressed by Pat lawless. There was a lot of support, and we were in a position, from the profits of the night, to give Pat a significant contribution towards his next GGR trip.

Following that dinner, we have established a subcommittee to progress matters, consisting of Andrew Collins, David Lawler, Damien Payne and I.  If there’s anybody interested in joining that subcommittee, please let me know and we will arrange it. The agreed plan is as follows.

  • We focus on building up a spreadsheet to include club members who are interested in participation in this cruising group, to include both boat owners and potential crew,  regardless of boat size or member experience.
  • We prepare a preliminary program of activities for the cruising group, without seeking to be too ambitious until the group is up ongoing and we have a better understanding of preferences.
  • The program should include:
    • a full meeting of all members of the group who are in a position to attend, to be held at 1800 on the 1st of February, to discuss, extent and approve such a program.
    • a “tapas talk” speaking supper to beheld same night Thursday the 1st of February. Provisionally Andrew (Orca attack), Damien (RNLI) and I (cruise to Flores), with hopefully one other, maximum 15 minutes each.
    • A “boat show” to be held on the pontoon of the national Yacht Club, sometime shortly after lift- in, comprising of Christo, Sea horse,  Freudian Ship, demonstrating the basic requirements for safety at sea.
    • Presentation by Ian/Allen from Viking marine on recommended/required gear/ lifejacket check etc, (with potential discount??), on the same day, preferably a weekend day shortly after lift-in.
    • A menu of sailing courses specific to the NYC, to include engine maintenance, VHF radio, navigation, use of technology, understanding of the weather etcetera, for presentation on the 1st of February.
    • A “sail in company” to Greystones on the May bank holiday, on the 4th and 5th of May.
  • Get more flags


If you would like to be included on our spreadsheet of club members interested in participation and a “WhatsApp” chat group to be established for the same purpose. You will receive regular updates of the groups program of activities. Please advise me, or Edel ( in the office, if you wish to be included in this e-mail circulation and/or “WhatsApp” group and your name will be added to the list.

 Meeting of all members

I can confirm that a meeting of the cruising group will be held at the national Yacht Club, on Thursday the 1st of February at 18ing”00. We would appreciate if you could attend, as it will allow us to assess the level of interest in progressing the activities of this group. It will also serve as a guide to those activities and future program of the group.

 Speaking supper

Thereafter on the same day, Thursday the 1st of February at 20.00, a sailing supper will be held to allow members briefly to outlined cruises undertaken this year, together with the presentation on the services of the RNLI on exactly what a skipper should do in an emergency.

Sailing courses 

The subcommittee have already engaged with David Jerrard and the INSS who are prepared to offer courses at the national Yacht Club to members at a discount. A full schedule of these courses will be circulated in two weeks’ time.

Sail in company to Greystones

It is proposed to organize such a trip to Greystones on Sunday the 4th and Monday the 5th of May. This is the may-day public holiday. The date is shortly after lift-in, and the distance designed to include all boats wishing to participate. We would also highlight that you don’t need a boat to participate, as many boat owners will welcome crew, regardless of experience.

Boat show/Viking marine presentation

This is currently under discussion with Viking Marine and we hope to have a definite plan by the 1st of February. It is more likely to occur before rather than after lift-in

We therefore look forward to seeing you in the national Yacht Club and the 1st of February.

Kind regards and the best for Christmas to you and yours.

Frank Cassidy


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