Cathy’s Dance-Exercise Class

Sep 14, 2018 | Social, Uncategorised

Starting the first Monday of October – in the JB ROOM, National Yacht Club – “Cathy’s Class” for young ladies over 50.

This is a dance/exercise class, suitable for complete beginners who want to stretch & tone and get a little gentle exercise whilst having a bit of a laugh amongst friends  in a familiar location.

The class will consist of a WARM-UP; head to toe JOINT LIMBERING, CORE STRENGTH exercises to promote good posture, along with problem areas like BUMS & TUMS – with a bit of dance & fun stuff thrown in here and there.  All exercises set to a mixture of classical and modern music.

Monday 1st October: Time: 10am 11am

National Yacht Club – JB Room

€75.00 For 6 Weeks Term

Drop Ins Welcome €15

To Register:  Contact Cathy by text or email, and get FIRST CLASS FREE.Text: 087-2399606.   



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