National Yacht Club’s ‘Something Else’ wins in Scotland.

Jun 2, 2023 | Home Page Featured, Racing, Sailing, Uncategorised

After a few years’ hiatus caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Scottish Series returned to Tarbert on Lock Foyne last weekend, with the National Yacht Club’s ‘Something Else’ taking victory in IRC Class 3. The J109, owned by John and Brian Hall, is a previous winner at the Scottish Series, and started with an impressive three race wins on day one. Day 2 saw their results slip to a second, fourth and fifth, leaving them with a narrow two point lead going into day 3. Light winds on day 3 might have been expected to favour lighter yachts in the fleet, but excellent tactics in the light breeze resulted in a comprehensive first place for Something Else.  Cancellation of racing on Monday due to a lack of wind meant that they had done enough to secure a win for the series, also picking up the prize for best non-Scottish boat at the event.

The Hall family have been campaigning at the Scottish Series almost every year for 45 years, a run broken only by the recent pandemic.

This year skipper Brian Hall was joined by his son Jack. Joining them were the Club’s Honorary Secretary Alan Daly and his son John, together with fellow club members David Hofler, Francois Pean, Natasha Hemeryck, Mattew O’Brien Holohan and Jemima Owens.


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