IRL IDT France is on its way to Carcans for the French Internationals Coupe d’été ! Bonne chance à tous!

Jul 12, 2018 | Junior events, Junior Sailing

Best of Luck to the IODAI IDT French  Team.

Best of Luck to the IODAI IDT French Team with NYC sailors Clementine van Steenberge and Fiachra Mc Donnell. Team Ireland (Clementine, Fiachra, Jessica, Archie, Ben, Patrick and George) and Coach Dara O’Shea with Team Mum Yvonne Durcan,  are travelling to Carcans , Maubuisson, for the French Internationals CIE Coupe Internationale  D’Ete!

We wish them the very best of luck at the event.

 Go Team Ireland.

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