Junior Coaching Series – Co-ordinator and Beachmaster procedures

Oct 19, 2017 | Uncategorised

Junior Coaching Series – Co-ordinator and Beachmaster procedures


  • Radio – 69 is the default channel
  • Bottom right button is to unlock
  • Boathouse is 37a
  • Coastguard is 16



  • Check weather bearing in mind rain or snow wind speeds and also gusts. Consider the temperature also, the ISA suggests 3deg is the lower limit for sailing. Talk to coaches 30 mins in advance, then decide whether coaching should go ahead and if going ahead whether it should be in the harbour. If coaching is cancelled, option to do theory instead.
  • Ensure that briefings start on time and that the coaches know who the children are.
  • Check that the instructors have a plan for their session.
  • Check that each coaching group has a working rib.
  • Remind the coaches to use their kill cords.
  • Radio checks. Ensure that mobiles are also brought out and obtain numbers. 
  • Observe coaches including regarding safety, punctuality, do they know their group
  • Know which parents are on launch assistance. Launch assistance role is required to be present for the whole day, not disappear.
  • Radio check before going out.
  • When launching Coordinator to complete check of mast clamp / life jacket / centreboard tied on.
  • After de-rigging has happened, ensure that the boats have been stored neatly.


  • Obtain launch list from tray in office upstairs
  • Observe launch process and note sail numbers, child name, time of launch
  • (do not get involved in trolleys or other as it is important not to miss any boat which is being launched)
  • Co-ordinate who is on water.
  • Maintain regular contact – ask coaches to check in at intervals.
  • Co-ordinate any rescue required.
  • When boats come back in check each one off against launch list and ensure that all boats are in.      

 Winter Training Protocol 2017 


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