TRI Sailing Clubs TY 2021/22 Christmas Update

Jan 4, 2022 | Junior Training

It’s been a busy 3 months since we kicked off our Tri Club Transition Year presentation on the 8th September.
We’ve been very fortunate in the current climate to have been able to accomplish so much in such a short time. This is a testament to your dedication and the determination of the TY students to make things happen.

Key achievements

? Action Adventure was held over 3 days in late September with 37 Students signed up completing a session in both Surfdock for paddleboarding and Islandbridge for rowing . This was a wonderful opportunity for the students to get to know each other.

? First Aid course: (26th /28th Oct) 21 Students received certificates for First Aid.

? VHF Course (27th/29th Oct): 24 students attended and passed this course.

? The Small Boat Navigation course run by Irish Offshore sailing was held over 4 Wednesday evenings during November and was attended by 21 Students who all passed. Many thanks to Sarah for her efficiency in reminding all of us to attend and not to forget our pencils, plotters and notebooks.

? The 1720 keelboat sailing was spread over two courses of 4 afternoons each during October, November and December. There were a total of 38 sailors of whom 16 did both courses. The second course had some adverse weather conditions but all sessions were completed and we were fortunate to finish up with Champagne sailing day on Sunny day in mid-December.

? Team Racing: Well done to the 12 brave sailors who signed up and participated in the Team Racing sessions held over 6 weeks in November and December. There were some bitterly cold mornings but that didn’t deter our hardy bunch! A big thanks to Ronan Adams and Karin Ryan in the RSGYC who co-ordinated everything. A special shout out must go to our great gang of coaches – Jacques Murphy, Trevor Bolger, Kate Lyttle and Finn Walker –as far as we know all of the coaches took part in the TY program in their time!

? RIB Course (ISA Powerboat Level 2) : To date the most popular choice, with 34 of the Students having done their initial 2 day training and are currently working to get the 20 hours on water experience to receive their certificate . A big thank you to Marc Little for his patience and perseverance in organizing this.

? Flossie and the Beach cleaners: On the 12th December a small group went on the water to help clean up a little part of the harbor collecting 75kgs of rubbish in the process. Click here for more information

Our next areas of focus:

Considering the ever-changing COVID guidelines, we may have to adapt our program accordingly. Notwithstanding this we aim to have a full program of events for 2022.

For Spring 2022 our primary area of focus will be on the B-Cademy laser program to be held in May/June. This is aimed at those who have experience at competitive sailing. A clinic will be held early in the new year to gauge standards and abilities. Please complete the following link to record your expression of interest.

RIB Hours/Courses
There are approximately 17 students waiting to complete the RIB course . If you have not signed up for this and still wish to take the course please contact your TY administrator. The additional courses will be run before Easter 2022. Each student needs to complete 20 verifiable hours on water. It is up to each Student to contact each club and get these hours. Please click on the RIB Hours Log link to record your RIB hours . If you can’t access the link please contact your TY co-ordinator

Tall Ships
For those who have signed up to this event please keep an eye out on any emails from the event organizers. This course has been significantly oversubscribed. Talk to your kids over Christmass to establish if they are still interested in the Tall Ships event. We do know some TY Students were not able to get onto trips and join their close friends. But if your TY sailor is still interested, please add your name to the waiting list when it appears. If we have drop outs for various reasons then we can open a waiting list and ensure the space is allocated to those on the waitlist.

Sherkin/Heir Islands Trip
Details of the 5 day Adventure trip to Sherkin/Heir Islands in West Cork shall be finalized in January. We shall send out an expression of interest form in January for you all to complete with the preferred dates for each of your TY Sailors, please keep an eye out in the New Year for this communication.
Provisional dates are as follows:
• Sunday 24th April to Friday 29th April
• Sunday 8th May to Friday 13th May
• Sunday 15th May to Friday 20th May

VHF/First Aid/Navigation
We plan to run additional courses in Q1 2022 should we have sufficient interest. We need a minimum of 8-12 to run a course.

We have a list of TYs who have expressed interest and will be contacting people as each clean up occurs. Additional clean-up days with Flossie will be organized as and when the rubbish piles up in the harbour. Please keep an eye out for communications on this as it will happen at short notice.

These events would not happen without the support of the Clubs and the TY committee wish to acknowledge their continued help and support in particular
Ronan Adams
Karin Ryan
Kevin Lenoard
Mark McGibney
Rónán Ó Siochrú
Olivier Prouveur
Oonagh Deegan

Nollaig faoi shéan agus faoi mhaise daoibh
2021/22 TY Committee
Sarah Spain & Nicki Matthews (NYC)
David Moyna , Marc Little & Johnny Quigley (RSGYC)
Grainne O’Shea & Stephanie McNulty (RIYC)


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