The New Flag Officers & Committee 2020 / 2021

Sep 14, 2020 | Uncategorised


The new Committee were elected at the National Yacht Club AGM, held on Monday 7th September  2020.

Because of Covid the AGM had to be done with a zoom meeting with Full and Family members of the Club been invited to attend.  At the AGM they outlined the plans of the new Committee to build on the great work of previous Committees and develop the Club further as a dynamic and innovative venue for sailing families and individuals – in a rapidly changing environment where there are many competing demands on the time and commitment of younger members, especially.

The New Committee are:

Commodore:  Martin McCarthy 

Vice Commodore: Conor O’Regan 

Rear Commodore: Chris Doorly 

Honorary Treasurer:Jim Murphy

Honorary Secretary: Peter Sherry 

Sailing Secretary: Alan Balfe 

Junior Section Secretary: MichĂ©le Halpenny 

Boathouse Captain: Alan Turner 

General Committee: Rosemary O’Connell

General Committee: Clodagh Nolan 

General Committee: Nicole Hemeryck

General Committee: Will Byrne


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