Table Quiz update – Round 7

Feb 10, 2023 | Bar Quiz Results, Club house, Social

Round 7 of the Table Quiz series was held on Wednesday, 8th February, and produced a close and exciting finish, with T.B.M. prevailing for their second victory of the series. The bigger story of the night (pace T.B.M.) was the continuing saga of team Wizard occupying 2nd place again – the fourth consecutive second-place finish for the serious sorcerers! This run of near misses is enchanting us all. When will the spell end?  Perhaps a series of questions on all things wizardry might add a bit of magic?

Wildcards also filled second-place, jointly with Wizard, and Stars of the Sea came fourth. Enchantress consolidated their lead at the top of the Overall Leaderboard, from The Corner Boys, with Harmerang and Wizard in joint-third. From the next round onwards, the teams will be able to discard their poorer performances, so we expect things to heat up.

See you all on the 22nd February for the next quiz. 8pm sharp!

Incidentally, Newsletter spotted Quizmaster poring over a map of Ireland. Does this mean anything, or is she just lost?


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