March for the Ocean (against plastic)

May 23, 2018 | Sailing

 Flossie, An 11 year old girl, from Dun Laoghaire has been asked to organise a march against plastic on behalf of Ireland that is happening on the same day around the world, so London, Washington Rio De Janeiro etc.

The march will be happening at 2.30pm on Saturday 9th June, leaving from The Royal Marine Hotel, then marching towards the West pier where one of her Seabins are going in.

 Flossie has been cleaning the beaches weekly in this area since last July and has become quite famous for it. The Irish Times wrote about her last year as well as many other magazines and newspapers worldwide. 
They are hoping to get around 1000 people to the march  and to have lots of yachts (flotilla)sporting anti-plastic signs in the Harbour, that would be brilliant! 
As far as we are aware we have funding from Accenture and Volvo Ireland, so ideally we are hoping to have a big screen at the start of the march with lots of positive messages from heavy hitters. We also will be getting tee-shirts printed and Flossie thinks people will need a Teddy’s Ice Cream…! Everything at the moment is really getting the word about the march out there. 
This is the website address that tells you about the march around the world on the same day:
This is the Facebook page we have has set up to get support for the big day which please feel free to share.

March for the Ocean Facebook page 

See her weekly blog, and learn more about Flossie and her crusade.
Flossie would be so grateful if you could support her march!


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