Junior Summer Clinics Round 2 – 6th to 31st July

Jun 9, 2020 | Junior Training

The NYC is continuing its Summer Junior training programme with 2 week long half day clinics for Optimists, Toppers and Lasers commencing Monday 6th July 2020. 

These Clinics are for children of full and family members only.
They will be run by advanced instructors and are limited to 6 participants to ensure compliance with our national public health advice. The cost is €320 per Clinic
It is also possible to charter a Club Topper or a Optimist (for Improving Skills levels only) for an additional €70 /course.

The detail of this new round of clinics is as follow:

Course 3: 6th July – 17th July

Clinic 1: Optimist Improving Skills
Time 10:00 – 13:00

Clinic 2: Optimist Advanced Boat Handling
Time 10:00 – 13:00

Clinic 3: Optimist Start Racing
Time 14:00 – 17:00

Clinic 4: Toppers Advanced boat handling
Time 10:00 – 13:00

Clinic 5: Toppers Start Racing
Time 14:00 – 17:00

Clinic 6: Laser 4.7 Clinic
Time 14:00 – 17:00

Course 4: 20th July to 31st July

Clinic 7: Optimist Improving Skills
Time 10:00 – 13:00

Clinic 8: Optimist Advanced Boat Handling
Time 10:00 – 13:00

Clinic 9:  Optimist Advanced racing clinic
Time 14:00 – 17:00

Clinic 10:  Toppers Advanced boat handling
Time 10:00 – 13:00

Clinic 11:  Toppers Start racing
Time 14:00 – 17:00

Clinic 12:  Laser 4.7 clinic
Time 14:00 – 17:00

There are strict pre-requisites for entering one of the above clinics: 

  • Sailor must be over 9 years of age.
  • Sailors must be able to handle their boat in at least 12 knots of wind. If they capsize they need to be able to right their boat themselves.
  • The sailor must be mature enough to understand the concept and importance of social distancing.
  • Individuals can avail of a morning or afternoon session only as there will be no changing/shower facilities to enable individuals to warm up after sailing as the facilities will be closed.
  • Members must be changed into sailing gear with sun screen applied prior to arriving into the club as there will be no changing facilities.
  • Members will enter via the side gate where they will be met by the SI who will provide them with sanitization for their hands.

All Sailors must check-in each day (a questionnaire and a sign in / sign out logbook must be completed) on entry and exit in order to facilitate contact tracing.

The clinics sailors shall remain with their allocated group for the period of the session.

Please make sure to read our COVID 19 policy document before registering: Summer Sailing 2020 – COVID-19 Protocol

Use the form below to register – Please complete one online form for each clinic / child you wish to register for


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