Autumn Junior Clinics September / October for Opis, Toppers and Laser 4.7s

Autumn Junior Clinics September / October for Opis, Toppers and Laser 4.7s

As we are not running the Junior September Series this year due to the Covid-19 situation, we have decided to run a small number of clinics for 4 weeks on Sundays from 13th September* to 4th October
(*Laser 4.7s will run on Saturday 12th, then Sundays)

Optimist and Topper Clinics will run half-days, mornings or afternoons, depending on levels and Laser 4.7s on 'full' days.

For details on dates, levels, morning / afternoon sessions and costs, please click here

Final set of summer clinics in the National Yacht Club – 10th August – 21st August

Final set of summer clinics in the National Yacht Club – 10th August – 21st August

The Club is running the following final Clinics in August:

Start sailing - Optimist
Time 10-13:00

Basic Skills - Optimist
Time 10-13:00

Improving skills - Optimist
Time 14:00-17:00

Advanced Boat handling - Optimist
Time 14:00- 17:00

Kites and wires - Club wayfarers and RS Ventures
Time 10- 13:00

Clinics are priced at €320. However, We are now in a position to give a 20% reduction in our final 2 week August clinic to those who have already partaken in a previous clinic over this summer.

For the optimist clinics, one needs to be at least nine years old, you must understand the need for social distancing. you can only take part in a morning or afternoon clinic. There are still no changing rooms available.

With regards to the Kites and wires and Adventure clinic, one can enter both morning and afternoon clinics if one is mature enough social distance at lunch time. If it is your 1st clinic, the price is €320. If you have already registered to summer clinics the price is €250. If you and taking part in both morning and afternoon clinics, the afternoon clinic will be €160


Additional Junior Summer Clinics – 6th to 31st July

Additional Junior Summer Clinics – 6th to 31st July

With the advent of the easing of government restrictions, we are adding 5 more clinics for the month of July:

The Extra clinics (all priced at €320) are:

6th July-17th July
Basic skills - optimist - 8 places
Time 10-13:00
6th-17th July
Start sailing  - optimist - 8 places
Time 14:00- 17:00

20th-31st July
basic skills - optimist - 8 places
Time 10-13:00

20th-31st July
Start sailing  - optimist - 8 places
Time 14:00 - 17:00

20th-31st July
Team racing clinic in Club Fireflies - 12 places
Time 14:00-17:00

For further details, terms and conditions and to register, PLEASE CLICK HERE

Junior Summer Clinics Round 2 – 6th to 31st July

Junior Summer Clinics Round 2 – 6th to 31st July

The NYC is continuing its Summer Junior training programme with 2 week long half day clinics for Optimists, Toppers and Lasers commencing Monday 6th July 2020. 

These Clinics are for children of full and family members only.
They will be run by advanced instructors and are limited to 6 participants to ensure compliance with our national public health advice. The cost is â‚Ź320 per Clinic
It is also possible to charter a Club Topper or a Optimist (for Improving Skills levels only) for an additional €70 /course.

For details of this 2nd round of clinics, pre-requisites for participants, terms and conditions, Covid-19 policy and to register, PLEASE CLICK HERE

Junior Summer Clinics June / July 2020

Junior Summer Clinics June / July 2020

The NYC is restarting its Summer Junior training programme with 2 week long half day clinics for Optimists, Toppers and Lasers commencing Monday 8th June 2020. 

These Clinics are for children of full and family members only.
They will be run by advanced instructors and are limited to 6 participants to ensure compliance with our national public health advice. The cost is €320 per Clinic (it is also possible to charter a Club Topper for an additional €70/course but not a Club Optimist)

For details of this first 'batch' of clinics, pre-requisites for participants, terms and conditions, Covid-19 policy and to register, PLEASE CLICK HERE

Schools Team Racing Training

Schools Team Racing Training

Please note that there are 3 training events coming up for Team Racing.

RStGYC - Wed 4th March - Book Online -

Howth Yacht Club - March 7&8th to book email or call 01-8322141 

Malahide Yacht Club - March 14th&15th to book email or call 0861712443:


Unfortunately due to adverse weather the Shanahan Cup at INSS was cancelled. It is expected that this event will be rescheduled for September/October.

The Leinster Schools Team Racing Championships is scheduled for 11th March at RStGYC

The National Schools Team Racing Championships is scheduled for 25th & 26th April at RStGYC - Details to follow. Nb. We are hoping to host the ISSA AGM at this event. 


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