Update on the Topper Traveller 3 Waterford Harbour Sailing Club 15th July 2018

Update on the Topper Traveller 3 Waterford Harbour Sailing Club 15th July 2018

Topper Traveller 3 Waterford Harbour Sailing Club 15th July 2018

Last weekend the 3rd Topper Traveller took place in Dunmore East at Waterford Harbour Sailing Club. Thirty four sailors took part in the event. Our National Yacht Club Sailors Hugh O'Connor, Natasha Hemeryck, Deirdre Turner, Eoghan Turner and Caoimhe Seymour did us proud yet again, taking the top positions in steady winds and rolling seas. 

Nell Staunton ISAFS July 2018

Nell Staunton ISAFS July 2018

Best of luck to Irish Sailing Academy Laser sailor and NYC member Nell Staunton who with Jack Fahy RSTGYC (pictured here with their coach Sean Evans), have arrived in Corpus Christi, Texas for the Youth Sailing World Championships, ISAF, starting on Saturday 14 July. Nell is representing Ireland and NYC in the Laser Radial class at this most important junior sailing championship. We will be following her progress with interest here: http://www.worldsailingywc.org/home.php

IRL IDT France is on its way to Carcans for the French Internationals Coupe d’Ă©tĂ© ! Bonne chance Ă  tous!

IRL IDT France is on its way to Carcans for the French Internationals Coupe d’Ă©tĂ© ! Bonne chance Ă  tous!

Best of Luck to the IODAI IDT French  Team.

Best of Luck to the IODAI IDT French Team with NYC sailors Clementine van Steenberge and Fiachra Mc Donnell. Team Ireland (Clementine, Fiachra, Jessica, Archie, Ben, Patrick and George) and Coach Dara O'Shea with Team Mum Yvonne Durcan,  are travelling to Carcans , Maubuisson, for the French Internationals CIE Coupe Internationale  D'Ete!

We wish them the very best of luck at the event.

 Go Team Ireland.

Toppers Irish National Championships Wexford – 6th – 8th July 2018

Toppers Irish National Championships Wexford – 6th – 8th July 2018

Wright Insurance Brokers Topper Irish National Championship Wexford 2018

Last weekend in glorious sunshine the Irish Topper National Championship took place in Wexford Harbour  Boat and Tennis Club. The National Yacht club was represented by Hugh O'Connor, Natasha Hemeryck, Eoghan Turner, Deirdre Turner and Caoimhe Byrne in the full 5.3 Rig and Caoimhe Seymour in the 4.2 Rig.

Update on the Oppie Europeans

Update on the Oppie Europeans

Team Ireland shines in Scheveningen

NYC’s Leah Rickard, Nathan Vansteenberge, Sam Ledoux and Rocco Wright travelled as part of a seven-sailor team to represent Ireland at the 2018 Optimist European Championships in Scheveningen the Netherlands 25-29 June 2018. Along with Team Ireland sailors Johnny Flynn, Emily Riordan and Eimer McMoriarty, coach Thomas Chaix and Team Assistant Ciara Peelo, they delivered one of Ireland’s most successful outcomes at a European Optimist Championship!


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