Pilates Classes with Rachel Brown – Term 2 – 5 week block

Pilates Classes with Rachel Brown – Term 2 – 5 week block

Pilates classes continue on Wednesday evenings in the NYC and they have proved to be very popular. A limited number of places have become available for the 2nd block, which starts this week. Here are the details:

Term 2 – 5 week block
Dates/time:   Classes will run on Wednesdays, 7-8 pm

Term  2 dates:
Mar 1st – 29th  2023 inclusive
Cost:              €75 for this 5 week block

For further details and to book, Please Click Here

Table Quiz update – Round 8

Table Quiz update – Round 8

The 8th quiz of the season took place on Wednesday, 22nd February, and saw Wizard finally break the spell and weave a bit of magic. After four second-place finishes in a row, they finally won out, in the end by a comfortable 4-point margin.

The Overall Leaderboard (below) now includes discards, and sees Enchantress and Corner Boys tied for the overall lead. However, both those teams can expect the other teams close to them to get closer as earlier scores get discarded. It could all heat up towards the end of the season. Quizmaster anticipates a gripping finale on the 5th April.

The next quiz is on the 8th March @ 8pm sharp. All are welcome.

See current overall standings here

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