WoW About Us

The NYC’s Women on the Water (WOW) group was established in 2016 to bring together women with an interest in sailing together for fun and to improve their sailing skills.  The objectives of WOW are to:

–  Develop and maintain participation by women in sailing;

–  Improve the Club’s offering to women sailors;

–  Increase the confidence levels of novice and returning sailors;

–  Encourage progression to more challenging sailing roles for women sailors;

–  Create greater awareness of the opportunities and roles for women in sailing;

–  Identify coaching and training issues specific to women sailors and deliver appropriate supports.

Members are involved in a range of activities both on and off the water – solo sailing on Lasers and other dinghies, two-handed and team sailing on both club boats and their own craft, and crewing on larger boats – sailing for fun and racing in DBSC summer and winter series on Dublin Bay.   Shore-based activities include talks and courses to improve seamanship and racing skills, physical training with Pilates, and regular social gatherings which are a great way to catch up with fellow sailors.

New members are always welcome and anyone interested in joining can contact us via the Club’s office at


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